Things to know
Things to know
This program is a completely online activity.
- We have added more than 1000 images in the database. We will be adding images frequently to this website
and keeping you notified.
- This is a project concerning analysis of big data. We will keep informing you well in
advance when we plan to study a substantial amount of answers and hence conclude a round. Such rounds
will keep going on from time to
time. Hence kindly finish answering the dataset as early as possible.
- When you login, you can see that your data analysis history is recorded on your online profile.
You can also add a picture to your profile. There is other information of the participant
highlighted as well.
- This program is a complete online activity. You can learn about how to study galaxy features by following the
online sessions mentioned below. The playlist consists of basic introductory sessions on galaxies by renowned
veteran astronomer Prof. Ajit Kembhavi (from IUCAA, Pune & PKC) and training sessions by expert astronomer
Prof. Sudhanshu Barway (from IIA, Bangalore).
- Once signed up/ logged in, you need to compare galaxy features from the top panel and
select the correct option/s. Based on the images that you answer, a performance badge is given to you
which is shown on your profile. This badge helps us determine the overall response of citizens and in
future we will identify volunteers/ smart scientist citizens for helping us develop the program. Let's
keep in mind that this badge is given for the quantity of galaxy images that you analyze and not based
on the accuracy of your answers.
- The accuracy of your answers will be assessed based on statistical and AI- based algorithms which will
compare your answers with answers from expert astronomers. In order to improve the accuracy of these
algorithms, we need more and more data to get analyzed by more and more citizens!
- Please keep in mind that in order to churn out certificates and serious scientific publications,
we need substantial data to be analyzed by many more smart citizens like you, so please help us maximize
these efforts by participating to your fullest capacity and spreading a word about this program.
- Also, let's remember that completion of a dataset from just a few citizens won't help our cause,
hence such citizens' initiatives take time to blossom.
- From the online user profile, you can also connect with us on LinkedIn and visit
PKC website to learn about the kind of data driven, scientific, sustainability oriented
work we do.
- For any queries and assistance, please write to us on
[email protected].
Online sessions for “One Million Galaxies”:
Pune Knowledge Cluster’s launches its first Citizen Science project “One Million Galaxies” with galaxy images
from advanced telescopes. Introductory lectures for the same are presented by renowned astrophysicist Prof.
Ajit Kembhavi (Emeritus Professor from IUCAA, Pune and Principal Investigator of PKC). Expert galaxy
astrophysicist Prof. Sudhanshu Barway (from Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore) conducted training
sessions for the participants. Citizens are advised to watch and revise from these session before getting
started with galaxy analysis.
Introductory Lectures
No |
Lecture Title |
Video Link |
1 |
PKC Citizen Science | One Million Galaxies Launch | National Science Day 28 Feb 2022 |
Play Video
2 |
PKC Citizen Science | Finding features in Galaxies | Introductory Lecture 1 | Prof. Ajit Kembhavi |
Play Video
3 |
PKC Citizen Science | Finding features in Galaxies | Introductory Lecture 2 | Prof. Ajit Kembhavi |
Play Video
4 |
PKC Citizen Science | Finding features in Galaxies | Training session slot1 | Prof. Sudhanshu Barway |
Play Video
5 |
PKC Citizen Science | Finding features in Galaxies | Training session slot2 | Prof. Sudhanshu Barway |
Play Video
6 |
PKC Citizen Science | Finding features in Galaxies | Training session slot3| Prof. Sudhanshu Barway |
Play Video
7 |
PKC Citizen Science | Finding features in Galaxies | Training session slot4| Prof. Sudhanshu Barway |
Play Video